I have several been asked about various ways to exhibit academic excellence apart from well-known board results and SAT/ACT scores. This article is a compilation of various online competitions held across the globe which are not only well reputed but at the same time very well recognized.

Students should take one step ahead to compete and shine in at least one of the following;

Microsoft Imagine Cup – https://imaginecup.microsoft.com/en-us/Events?id=0#?fbid=YqqHj_NHZoH

Raman Young Science Innovator Award – https://www.ramanaward.org/rysi-award/rysi-overview/

New York Academy of Sciences – The Junior Academy – https://www.nyas.org/programs/global-stem-alliance/the-junior-academy/?tab=overview

New York Academy of Sciences – 1000 Girls 1000 Futures – https://www.nyas.org/programs/global-stem-alliance/1000-girls-1000-futures/?tab=overview

Clean Tech Challenge – https://www.cstl.org/cleantech/the-challenge/

CCMB Young Innovator Program – http://e-portal.ccmb.res.in/ccmb_yip/

IRIS National Science Fair (first round for the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair)


Caribou Mathematics Competition – https://cariboutests.com/public/about.php#show-about

Harvard/MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT) – https://www.hmmt.org/

Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) – 


Perennial Math (Online competitions) – https://perennialmath.com/

RoboCup – https://www.robocup.org/

Robofest – https://www.robofest.net/

SeaPerch International Challenge – https://seaperch.org/

Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science (TEAMS) – https://tsaweb.org/teams

Trinity College International Robot Contest – https://trinityrobotcontest.org/

Zero Robotics – http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/

International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) – http://www.imo-official.org/

Mathly – http://www.mathily.org/

CEMC – https://www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/

UKMT – https://www.ukmt.org.uk/

AIMO (Asia International) – https://aimo.world/

HKIMO (Hong Kong) – https://www.hongkongimo.com/

SEAMO (South East Asian) – https://seamo-official.org/

TIMO (Thailand) – https://www.thaiimo.com/

Cathedral Math Competition – https://cathedralmathcompetition.com/

ABWA Math Competition – https://infinity.adityabirlaworldacademy.com/

SASMO (Singapore and Asian Schools) – https://www.internationalolympiadacademy.com/olympiads/sasmo-singapore-amp-asian-schools-math-olympiad

VANDA Science Competition – https://www.internationalolympiadacademy.com/olympiads/vanda-international-science-competition

I thank Namita Mehta & Ramya Modukuri for compiling these and allowing to be shared with students.